Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Hindley Green

Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Hindley Green

With a joyful heart, we love, learn and grow

“With a joyful heart we love, learn, and grow”

Swan Lane, Hindley Green, Wigan, Lancashire, WN2 4HD




Good attendance is vital for your child to enjoy school and make the very best progress they can. We monitor attendance very carefully in school and we will endeavour to do all we can to ensure that your child attends school each and every day.

Children are rewarded each term for 100% attendance. Children's attendance which is above 96% receive a certificate. Each week, a class is rewarded with a class certificate for the best punctuality and attendance.

If your child is unwell, please telephone the school office to inform us of their absence from school and write a short note on their return.

If there may be ongoing reasons why it is difficult for your child to attend school for example medical issues or home circumstances, please come into school and share these with us so that we can support you and your child. 

Holidays in term time are not permitted, except in extremely rare circumstances. If you intend to take your child on a holiday in term time, please complete a form which is available from the school office. Unauthorised absences, which include most holidays, may result in a penalty notice and a fine.

If your child's attendance drops below 96%, you may receive a letter from us to highlight this to you. If you child's attendance drops below 90%, we may invite you an attendance panel to help and support you in improving your child's attendance.

We work closely with our attendance officer. An attendance officer may visit you in school or in your home if concerns persist to discuss ways in which we can support you and your family.

Our Designated Attendance Lead is Mrs Byrne.


School Attendance Policy February 2024.docx


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